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Prophy Research Corporation reports
Your choice for licensing strategies

I’d like your opinion on the licensing strategies. You can just rank them (1 for your favorite), and/or make comments.

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Owner strategy: Giving the owners of popular products like Tylenol the first option to license, at very low cost, for only their products.
Wal-mart strategy: Licensing our OptiDose to Wal-Mart to use on a new premium acetaminophen product to be priced higher than the current top brand (Tylenol®), yet have a cost about like their generic house brand.
Pedi-Sales strategy: Us selling droppers directly to pediatricians, to re-sell to their patients.
Celgene takeover pediatric drugs strategy: We give a broad license that will allow Celgene to sell all kinds of pediatric meds, OTC and Rx. Use dosing by weight as an exclusive feature to give pediatricians more business and therefore more recommendations to try our new versions of popular brands.
Device maker stategy: Licensing to the companies that manufacture and sell medicine droppers and such to the pharmaceutical companies.

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