Cover: The graph on the cover shows the
same old news - lots of products using “our” dosing by weight idea in Europe. It is great to see it so popular
and adaptable to so many kinds of pharmaceuticals. However, there are 3 problems. First, we do not have our complete US patent
yet (although that is now looking excellent – see the news). Second, a product earlier than these and earlier than our
first patent actions could show up at some point. It is very close (us 1988, so far earliest other 1989). Third, none of these
companies got it from us*, and none are paying us royalties (*SIGH*). The 5 in Switzerland are covered by our patent issued
there (see the news).
Below is the list of products we know about. If you are visiting a pharmacy
or pediatrician, especially in one of these countries, please try to get us an update. There are a few facts we are missing
on some of these products (shown as a ”?” in table), and there may be new ones. If you can get a poop sheet on
any of these it will help us write up labels for new products.
As far as I know everyone is copying the idea from Janssen. Here is how I give credit:
“In Europe Janssen has pioneered a new type of dosing device that has the potential to solve many
overdosing problems. (First commercial use in Prepulsid® (cisapride) in Switzerland, 1989; later used with Hismanal® (astemizole)
in Panama, 1990, now used in about 20 products around the world.) These devices, which use a body weight scale, allow precise
dosing of each child.”